In fact what’s happen ? :

- with the soft HOT generated from the straightener, we open the CUTICLES of hair, than don’t need to use chemical aggressive products to make this process;
- with the VAPOR make it from the plate of straightener , we bring it our amazing 4 OILS BLEND INSIDE the NUCLEO of the hair; thats REPAIR the INSIDE PART of the MOLECOLARS of vitamins, proteins, keratin, collagen Before was MISSED , than we REBUILD the original natural composition of the hair, with NATURAL ingredients !
- with the INFRARED technology, we close the cuticles, WITHOUT damage , that system reduce the stress of hair of the 80% of the usual professional straighteners , and sleek in perfect way the Hair !!
This NEW technology system, REPAIR any hair, 100 times much more better of any products, just because we are the ONLY treatment, we bring it INSIDE the benefits, not as any others stay OUTside the cuticle, for this we are the BEST !!!